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Culinarian’s Day

It’s Culinarian’s Day

Celebrating Cooks, Chefs, Bakers, and Culinary Teams

Culinarians share their passion around food through every entrée they create for us to enjoy. The Thomas Cuisine culinary teams serve millions of meals annually, but it’s the quality of those meals that matters most; with custom recipes and local ingredients, our chefs cook from scratch with the taste and preference of our customers in mind. This drive toward quality is apparent within our culinarian teams as we watch them take each mealtime rush in stride, create caterings to ‘wow’ and propel client relations, and keep selections fresh and in-season all year long. The field of Culinary Arts is growing into a keystone of health and wellness as modern society seeks real food options from onsite cafes instead of pre-packaged convenience items. We’re proud to observe our Culinarians leaning into this opportunity as food influencers during each customer’s mealtime routines, and we can’t thank them enough for their contributions toward health and healing through real ingredients, trustworthy dining selections, and the creativity of their operations where previous examples of fine dining and scratch cooking were non-existent. Culinarians, we thank you for leading by example with each meal you create, and for your tireless efforts in pioneering #realfood across onsite cafés within corporate dining, independent schools, senior living, and healthcare environments.