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2022 Promotional Calendar

Explore Promotions with Thomas Cuisine

Each month, Thomas Cuisine promotions will give you tips for trying the best, in-season café items with easy-to-remember nutritional facts. Little steps toward your health can add up to big change, which is why our teams cook real food from scratch with your overall wellness and enjoyment in mind. Each month, a new release will be available for you below. You’ll get an exclusive chance to learn the benefits of choosing colorful foods like Spring greens, Summer watermelon, and Autumn soups; it’ll be easy to find the most flavorful seasonal dishes in your café; plus, you’ll get some fun monthly reminders about holidays and observations related to your food throughout the year. Simply scan the QR code each time you see a new poster in your café, and voila! You’ll have the key to mealtime success by learning which meals will give you the best taste and nutrition.

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