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Plant-Based Food Awareness

Explore Plant-Based Foods

With the onset of Spring, you may have noticed your tastes changing from wanting cozy Winter foods to a desire for fresh greens, fruits, and chilled beverages. Our kitchens are offering more plant-based foods this April to anticipate these desires, and our Culinary and Wellness leadership teams want you to know the benefits of choosing Plant-Based items during your next dining experience.

What is a Plant-Based Diet?

A plant-based diet is mostly plants like fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nut, seeds, and legumes (beans), but it’s also flexible. Choosing mostly plant-based food doesn’t totally eliminate animal proteins like meat, dairy, and eggs. Instead, it makes plant-based foods the center of the plate, and animal products become a condiment.

When you focus on a plate filled with mostly plant foods, there are overall health benefits. Plant-based foods are an excellent source of fiber and are shown to contain heart healthy fats. In general, those who follow a plant-based diet have lower blood pressure and Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol; they may also have better control of blood sugar and reduce inflammation in the body (1).

Introduce a plant-based diet by taking small steps. Include more plant foods by limiting processed foods, or adding fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and beans to meals more often. Another option is to try a flexitarian diet that focuses on plant-based foods, but still enjoys animal products such as meat, fish and eggs on occasion.

Plant-Based Tips & Info for April