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August: America’s Farmer’s Markets

This Summer, Embrace Local Sourcing Through Farmer’s Markets

With Summer in full swing, our Chefs are keeping things seasonal with fresh stone fruits, melons, and greens on the menu. Part of seasonal dining is creating meaningful relationships with local farms so our ingredients can offer the best flavor and nutrients possible. If you’ve never explored your local Farmer’s Market, August is a great month to explore the very best produce and local products. Farmer’s Markets are more convenient to access during this time of year, and cooking with produce bought from local farmers provides direct support for your local community members while enhancing your own wellness journey through food at home.

 As chefs, nutritionists, and food experts, we rely heavily on the practice of local sourcing to deliver exceptional quality and taste while fostering strong local relationships on behalf of our partnerships and the communities in which we serve. Local farms make it possible for us to deliver on the promise of real, wholesome food made from quality, Earth-grown ingredients for café guests, residents, students, and patients.

How Do We Have Access to Out-of-Season Produce?

Have you ever contemplated the year-round availability of supermarket produce such as berries, avocado, and Spring greens when these items are out of season or not grown in your region? As consumers, we have access to out-of-season or out-of-region produce thanks to the importing and exporting of foods. When produce travels a long way (between hundreds and thousands of miles), the carbon footprint and cost of that produce tend to be higher, while the quality suffers.

Why Does Farmer’s Market Produce Taste so Much Better Than Grocery Store Produce?

Aside from the monetary cost of importing produce, you’ll notice a big difference in the taste of grocery store produce compared to that at the Farmer’s Market. Farmer’s Market produce travels fewer steps from the farm to your plate and is more flavorful, colorful, and guaranteed to be in-season, whereas produce that travels thousands of miles to its final destination can lack quality because it doesn’t get the benefit of staying on the vine or in the dirt until it’s fully ripe. On top of that, after imported produce is harvested, it’s often exposed to a variety of changing environmental factors such as lighting, wax additives, temperature fluctuation, and environmental impurities such as air pollutants during transport, which can impact its taste and integrity. These elements compound during the produce lifecycle, resulting in produce that lacks the robust flavor, juiciness, and texture that we enjoy from the local farmer’s market.

Local Sourcing For Real Food, Community Support, and Strong Partnerships

When ingredients are the foundation of a service, industry, or healthy lifestyle, it’s important to consistently choose the best fruits, vegetables, and local products in support of your health and enjoyment. Just like our Chefs, when you buy local produce from local vendors, you’re giving each of your meals the chance to positively impact your health, mealtime enjoyment, and a strong local economy. This month and all year, be sure to eat fresh, eat local, and enjoy real food.

Try Something New During August